Landscape plan
In Thuringia, the landscape plan is an independent specialist plan of the lower nature conservation authority. It presents the objectives and measures of nature conservation and landscape management for the entire urban area in a coherent manner. The landscape plan thus forms an important technical basis for the land use plan.
Landscape plans are updated at certain intervals and depending on specific requirements. The planning horizon is generally between 10 and 15 years and thus corresponds to that of land use planning.
Portfolio and development goals
A current landscape plan has been available for Jena since 31.03.2016.
An inventory and conflict analysis was carried out for the following areas when the plan was drawn up:
- Protected areas, biotopes, species occurrences
- Soil and geology
- Climate, air
- water
- Landscape and recreation
Possible development potential and goals were then derived.
The landscape plan was updated with the involvement of a broad public. In addition to the participation of public agencies, local mayors, the agricultural and forestry sectors and many other areas, the plan was put on public display and discussed in the political committees.
The landscape plan consists of a text section as well as various inventory, conflict and concept maps. It was drawn up at a scale of 1 : 15,000. The contents are therefore not mapped to the exact parcel. Map B summarizes the development goals of nature conservation and landscape management. The "white areas" on Map B are subject to conservation in accordance with Map A1.
The report and the main maps are available for download on this page. The complete documents can be viewed at the lower nature conservation authority.
Implementation of the development goals
As a specialist plan of the lower nature conservation authority, the landscape plan does not have the legal force to expropriate property owners or force them to take certain actions.
The development goals are implemented through
- Land acquisition
- abandonment of use
- sale of land
- Contractual agreement with the landowner
- Consideration in specific plans and projects
Landscape planning since 1990
The beginnings of landscape planning in Jena date back to September 1990. At that time, the development of a preliminary concept for the Jena landscape plan was commissioned.
The development of a landscape plan to accompany the land use plan began in 1992. This was supported by the then Environmental and Nature Conservation Office and completed in 1993.
From September 1994, landscape planning was extended to the area of the incorporated municipalities. This process was completed in May 1997. This meant that two planning statuses existed in parallel.
In 2002, both parts were revised and merged into a single landscape plan. This became legally binding in March 2003.
In preparation for the update of the land use plan, the landscape plan was also updated in the period from 2011 to 2016. It came into force on 31.03.2016.